Steve Kirsch Groundbreaking Survey Request for All Parents with Children Less than 40 Years Old

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May 21, 2023

Per Steve’s email request received May 19 2023:

“Executive summary

This is the most game-changing survey I’ve ever done. I can’t tell you why because I don’t want to bias the results.

If you are a parent of any child aged 40 and younger, please take my survey here.

It’s really that important.

Also, if you are a member of a Facebook support group for one of the health conditions mentioned in the survey (autism, ADHD, etc), I would be VERY grateful if you would post the link to the survey there and encourage people to fill it out as it will eliminate the possibility that they survey can be attacked as “biased.”

Thank you in advance for your help.

If you have any kids <40, please take my survey now.

Share survey with another parent of any child less than 40 Yrs



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