Jennifer Bridges RN My Views Have Changed As Things Have Progressed…These Are Crimes Against Humanity

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January 27, 2022

Excerpted from the Exclusive Interview: Nurse Jennifer Bridges Fights Against Vaccine Mandates in Texas by Jacob Asmussen at Texas Scorecard:

“In late 2020, Houston Methodist was one of the first hospitals in the country to receive the vaccines; and in early 2021, the administrators started pushing it on the many hesitant employees”.

Jennifer was with “Methodist for about eight years as a registered nurse, spotless record, never been a troublemaker, anything” was fired in June 2021 for refusing to participate in the clinical investigational Covid drug trial mandated by her employer, Houston Methodist Hospital Systems. It is believed over 400 employees were terminated at that time.

Jennifer started a petition of sorts at her hospital expressing concern over the vax required and she met with leadership. The article reports, “They had me come into their big executive conference room, and it was me, Baytown [Hospital] CEO and CNO, the head of HR, and then I brought another nurse as a witness. And it was an hour-and-a-half-long meeting, basically of them bullying me and threatening me to try to get me to stop.”

She continued, “There were thousands of [employees] that did not want to take this shot still and were really scared of it, so I told them I’m speaking on behalf of all these people because they’re terrified. Can you just work with us? You know, wear an N95 mask or let us wait till it’s fully FDA approved, just do something. And he said absolutely not, and I quote, he said, ‘100 percent compliance with this vaccine mandate is more important than your individual autonomy.’”

“They even told me that people were saying that I was bullying them against their will to sign the petition, which was a full-blown lie.”

Jennifer’s next step was to request an audience with Houston Methodist CEO Marc Boom. There was no response to her request but shortly thereafter “a system-wide email telling employees to get injected with both doses by June 7 or be terminated by the end of that month”.

Jennifer contacted the media and sponsored an online petition against the vax mandate signed immediately by 200 co-workers with nearly 12,000 signatures to date and still rising. Your signature on this petition would still be appreciated.

Initially, 117 Houston Methodist employees filed a federal lawsuit. Shortly thereafter, a State companion lawsuit was filed and is now scheduled for May 2022. The numbers of plaintiffs for these lawsuits have grown to about 200. You may follow the progress of both the federal and State lawsuits here. 

There is so much more to this article including my opinion of the current Governor’s response to the Covid Pandemonium, so please don’t miss it and… 

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