Dr. Robert Malone Discloses to Tucker Carlson “Alarming Number of Side Effects & Soaring Cancer Cases”

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April 3, 2022

On Feb 10, 2022, Tucker Carlson interviews and asks Dr. Robert Malone, “Do you think it’s plausible [that the vaccines] increase the risk of cancer?”

Dr. Malone: “Yes… Yes.”

Dr. Malone, “”To my eye, it looks like this set of policies that have been established, policy positions, and all of these folks have been trained to basically regurgitate those policy positions, regardless of whatever the context is within which they’re operating. And so what you have is global perspectives implemented locally through this network of acolytes that have been trained, and what’s fascinating and so dysfunctional is that they’re not powered intellectually, or by training or whatever, to adapt these policy positions to the local environment. And so we end up with diktat from a centralized global authority being implemented locally in the context of the response.”

Access the full 1 hour interview with Dr. Robert Malone here

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