1000 College Campuses Requiring Experimental Covid Vaccine and The Covid Narrative is a Patent Falsehood

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May 12, 2022

Access the complete list of colleges across the US that require a student to participate in the experimental Covid drug trial before attending classes on campus BUT…

Be cautious with the use of the information on this site because we have identified some patent falsehoods…THERE IS NO FDA APPROVAL for the Covid medication they are administering in the United States.

Access multiple pieces of evidence proving it is not FDA approved

According to the article written by Staff Writers in Best Colleges falsely states the Covid 19 vaccination was approved by the FDA then links to another article in their magazine to prove it while stating, “Some state lawmakers — and at least two lawsuits — argued that inoculation can’t be made mandatory while the experimental vaccines retained their Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status, but full FDA approval of the mRNA-based Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on August 23 has already triggered a surge of college COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

Access the List of Colleges requiring participation in the clinical drug trial here


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